Club Welfare Officers in Safeguarding

Your club welfare officers are:

Claire Austridge
Paul Brash,
Julie Asher-Smith.

Contact details :


Please contact one of the clubs welfare officers with any concerns by email:

If your concern is urgent, please contact the police by dialling 999 or 101 as well as notifying the Bromley Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) immediately by calling 0208 461 7775 or 0208 313 4325

If the allegation is to be reported out of office hours, contact Children’s Social Care Out of hours Emergency Duty Team on 0300 303 8671.

Or follow the link and complete a concern form.

Athlete Wellbeing

The Club Mental Health Ambassador is Anita Evenden
Anita’s role is to encourage club members to talk about mental health and support club members to seek help and support when needed.
Anita can be contacted at –

Mental Health Action Plan

In 2016 England Athletics launched an initiative to help improve Mental Health through running. This programme includes the appointment of Mental Health Ambassadors (MHA) in local running clubs. The club’s MHA will work to develop support for emotional wellbeing and will aim to:

  • Develop a non-judgemental culture, where emotional wellbeing can be openly discussed
  • Provide a confidential ear which will be open to all club members· Promote emotional wellbeing alongside physical wellbeing in the club’s activities and information provided to members
  • Signpost members to relevant information and organisations that support emotional wellbeing
  • Promote referrals from external organisations to encourage new members to join and experience the benefits of exercise