Ted Pepper 10k Race Report – Bank Holiday Monday, 6th May
The lead up to the Ted Pepper 10k went swimmingly… well, until it rained. And rained. And
rained some more. Just when the course started to dry out, Mother Nature decided to throw us another shower.
Online entries started slow, like trying to coax a snail out of its shell, but eventually picked up pace and volunteers stepped forward to marshal, little suspecting the looming threat of becoming human puddles.
On race day, nearly 250 runners lined up, many blissfully unaware of the mudfest awaiting them. The rain kept pouring, and the course started resembling a swamp. President Ashley waved them off into the abyss, I mean, the park.
At the halfway point, the field was as stretched out as a pair of soggy socks. The water station was quieter than a library, as some runners decided it was a prime opportunity for a mud spa. But our heroic marshals offered encouragement, even as runners lost shoes and dignity in the mud. A few competitors did unfortunately go off course, with one runner seemingly acting as a
pied piper!
But that didn’t affect the sharp end, where Graeme Lugar (BBHAC), Ryan Brotherton, and David
Worden fought through the muck to claim the top spots, with Ola Balme (Dulwich Runners) leading the ladies, followed by Alison Kendall and Laura Marshall. With 246 finishers, each received a medal and the holy grail of the day – clean socks!
Despite the mud bath, feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Turns out, a little rain, a lot
of mud, and a ton of support make for the best race ever. Thanks to all who ignored the weather and helped make this event a success, raising a decent surplus for the club!
David Beadle and Iain Swatton